Multi-generational Care Facility
This is an all-inclusive group project. It included a model, research, renderings and space planning of a multi-generational care center. The center was located in Fort Collins and had to be accessible by both children and adults. Our design inspired by a butterfly, focused on allowing for it to be enjoyed by all ages and to be able to build relationships between the two differing age groups. A large part of my portion of the project was in doing the model, research, and making the books to present to the client. This project was completed using 3D Studio Max, Revit, Illustrator and Photoshop.
Daylighting Model
When creating the model my partner and I were challenged to build a museum with its main source of lighting being daylighting. The museum’s location was in Boulder, Colorado. This location near the mountains inspired a modern twist on a classic museum design enhanced by the research done on daylighting. With plenty of space to hang the art in a protected area, we utilized as much space for windows to bring daylight into the deepest crevasses of the room. This model was created with foam board.
Manufactured Meditation
This project was a creation of a dream home that was only 20’x20’x20’. The client of this project wanted a space that brought in a calm relaxing feeling that included an industrial style of design. Through the analysis of these two wants for the space, the concept behind this project was manufactured mediation. This project was individual and was created from scratch on 3D Studio Max.

Mixed Media Transformation
When creating these pieces of artwork we were challenged to leave our comfort zones and to make them with a variety of different mediums. The materials used in these pieces were pencil, pen, water colors, pastels, and color pencil. To come up with the concept of these pieces of artwork we were to take a photo of something out of our day to day lives and transform it into something completely different. The possibilities of the outcomes were endless.